01/01/2022 - 20:28 h

Passeig de la Verneda gets a more sustainable new road surface

Urban planning. This type of asphalt will be laid in other parts of the city if the results from the pilot project are satisfactory.

20/12/2021 - 15:17 h

Putting our green fingers to work

Environment and sustainability. A programme to collectively manage city greenery with local people, organisations and companies.

10/12/2021 - 14:25 h

The CO-HAB-Raval project receives 80,000 euros to improve the habitability of five properties in El Raval

Housing. The proposal is aimed at improving the living conditions of local residents in the Raval neighbourhood.

03/12/2021 - 20:38 h

The autumn planting campaign incorporates more than 80,000 new flower clusters across the city

Parks and Gardens. Throughout the month of November, as part of the autumn planting campaign, Parks and Gardens planted more than 80,000 coloured flowers in all the districts of Barcelona.

29/11/2021 - 14:17 h

New road surface to reduce temperatures and noise in Torrent de l’Olla

The surface is part of a pilot project conducted with the European project Life Heatland and has also been implemented in the city of Múrcia with satisfactory results.

18/11/2021 - 18:27 h

Barcelona named as a Resilience Hub

Environment and sustainability. Recognition for efforts to tackle risks on climate and disasters.

12/11/2021 - 15:05 h

The halt and downturn in activity during the pandemic helps cut CO2 by 824,310 tonnes

The drop is specifically due to the downturn in internal mobility, activity at the port and airport, waste treatment and energy consumption.

08/11/2021 - 18:04 h

Food consumption in the city generates 2.5 million tonnes of CO2 a year

CO2 emissions. Cutting the consumption of animal proteins and increasing the use of seasonal local produce can help reduce this carbon footprint.

Superilla de Sant Antoni
03/11/2021 - 19:56 h

“Cities Race to Zero”: commitment to halve carbon emissions by 2030

Backed by over a thousand cities, the initiative aims to cut carbon emissions with support from companies, regions and investors.

25/10/2021 - 18:56 h

The mayors of Barcelona and Glasgow write an article in which they propose actions cities can take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Ada colau i Sussan Aitken demanen als Estats accions en la cadena del sistema alimentari per combatre el canvi climàtic