Retrat de Susana Pérez Soler

Journalist and Doctor in Digital Communication

Journalist and Doctor in Digital Communication from Ramon Llull University. She researches the transformation of the media in the digital age at the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication, where she is a lecturer in Communication and is a member of STReaM, a longstanding research group recognised by the Generalitat Government of Catalonia. She has published Periodismo y redes sociales [Journalism and Social Media] (Editorial UOC, 2017).

She contributes to specialist magazines such as Capçalera, the magazine of the Professional Journalists Association of Catalonia, and to general media outlets such as La Vanguardia, where she publishes the blog Tecnología humana [Human Technology], on the impact of technology on society. She has also contributed to the analysis panel for La Mañana on TVE.

Articles by Susana Pérez Soler

Retrat d'Anastasia Kavada.
Towards a culture of participation

Anastasia Kavada, Professor of Communication and Politics at the University of Westminster, has been studying the interaction between digital media, social movements and democratic...

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