Retrat de Maria Sisternas


Maria Sisternas holds a Degree in Architecture from the Barcelona School of Architecture and an MSc in City Design and Social Sciences from the London School of Economics and Political Science.

She has worked in the MedCités network and was Project Manager at Barcelona City Council. She now leads Mediaurban, Mediapro’s Urban Content Creation Agency, and regularly contributes to the newspaper Ara with opinion pieces, Betevé’s “Dimarts Urbans” [Urban Tuesdays] and the publication El món de demà [The World of Tomorrow].

Articles by Maria Sisternas

© Maria Rubert de Ventós
Urban planning and the future of Barcelona

In times of pandemic, you miss going for strolls, and the book Barcelona sense GPS [Barcelona without GPS], by Maria Rubert de Ventós, is a perfect antidote to get lost in the...

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