Retrat de Mike Davis


An American sociologist (1946, Fontana, California), an urban theorist and historian, he grew up in Bostonia, a now ‘lost’ hamlet east of San Diego. Before embarking on his political and intellectual work, he was a slaughterhouse worker and truck driver.

Considered the foremost proponent of cyberpunk thinking, he is a Professor of Urban Theory at the Institute of Architecture in Southern California and a member of the editorial board of New Left Review and Sin Permiso. His latest essays include Magical Urbanism (Urbanismo mágico, Lengua de Trapo, 2012), Planet of Slums (Planeta de ciudades miseria, Akal, 2014) and The Monster Enters (Llega el monstruo, Capitán Swing, 2020).

Articles by Mike Davis

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThe year of the plague

Ebola was the first in the succession of new diseases that tested humanity’s immune systems in the early 1990s. It was to be followed by avian influenza in 1997, and SARS in 2002. Now,...

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