Portrait of Manuel Arias Maldonado

Professor of Political Science

Professor of Political Science at the University of Málaga. He earned a Fulbright Fellowship at the University of Berkeley (2004-2005), a Salvador de Madariaga Fellowship in the Rachel Carson Center at the University of Munich (2011) and a Fellowship in Environmental and Animal Studies at New York University (2017).

Among other books, he is the author of Antropoceno: La política en la era humana (Anthropocene: Politics in the Human Era, Taurus, 2018), Nostalgia del soberano (Nostalgia of the Sovereign, La Catarata, 2020) and Abecedario democrático (Democratic Alphabet, Turner, 2021). He is a columnist for The Objective and the national edition of El Mundo.

Articles by Manuel Arias Maldonado

Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureDemocracy, sovereignty and territory: Squaring the circle

How do democracy, sovereignty and territory relate to one another? The ownership and exercise of sovereignty make...

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