
On October 7th, announcement of subsidies for investments in ICT

Companies and organizations that use information technology and communications (ICT) can benefit to carry out projects of experimental and innovative citizen participation

The Direcció de Creativitat i Innovació de l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona will open on the 7th of October the application period for the subsidies for the realization of experimental and innovative projects with the participation of citizens. Applications for funding must be linked to projects that work on the concept of "The city as a space for experimentation". Through this grant, ICUB will provide new opportunities to applicants to develop projects aimed at exploring new formats and new audiences, and highlight the role of citizens in the process of experimentation and cultural/technological innovation.

The total amount allocated is 150,000 euros. This present call is divided into two categories according to the type of project. In the A category, projects linked to the production of products or experimental prototypes can be submitted. You can also use the investment for undertaking creative actions for encouraging citizens or innovative projects, that pursue an pre-sales objective. In the B modality, you can present investment projects related to the renovation or expansion of the infrastructure. You can also apply for a grant to build websites or informational support to the organization itself.



:: Conditions of Entry ::

Publication date: Wednesday, 23 September 2015
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