
Multidub, an app to watch the film you want in the language you want

This service, which has received support from CreatiFI, uses very similar sound recognition technology as that used by the popular application Shazam.



Imagine you are on holiday abroad and you feel like going to the cinema to watch the latest film. However sometimes language can be a problem. That is precisely what Multidub intends to put an end to. An application with which you can hear the movie you want in the language you want. Multidub is one of the projects involved in the latest CreatiFI program, led by the Direcció de Creativitat i Innovació de l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona, along with other European institutions. which aims to help creators innovate with the most advanced technologies.

"Multidub is a technology that we have developed for all types of mobile devices that allows the user to go to the cinema and see the film in your language of choice. All you need is a smartphone with internet connection and headphones. You only need to push a button to change the language" explains Juan Bautista Tomás, CEO of the company. Multidub uses a very similar sound recognition technology as that used by the popular application Shazam. Within a few seconds, the app recognizes the film and lets you change the language of the film anywhere and anytime. "We are focusing on cinemas, but it can be used on any platform" says Tomás.

Multidub’s prototype is already technologically developed and they are now closing agreements with major film producers and distributors. "Our intention is to have the app available for both Android and iOS before the end of the year," says Juan Bautista Tomás. The Multidub business model is based on three alternatives for the user. The first option will be a free subscription with adverts. The users will also have the possibility to get rid of the ads by paying for what they listen to or have a "flat rate" with which they could consume any content. "It's a similar model to Spotify, but relatively speaking, because while users of the popular music app use it every day, in our case it would be more a more sporadic use," explains Multidub ‘s CEO.



Publication date: Friday, 14 August 2015
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