
“Design! Camera! Action!”, a new series in DHUB dealing with cinema and design

From October to June, DHUB will host a new series analysing many existing design styles from a cinematic perspective

The series titled ¡Disseny, càmara, acció! (Design! Camera! Action!), where cinema and design go hand in hand, begins on the 3rd of October. The series is the result of collaboration between the Barcelona Design Museum (DHUB) and the Filmoteca de Catalunya and offers an analysis of the different aspects of product design from a cinematic perspective.

The objective of the series is to demonstrate the relationship between two disciplines which, while they share common characteristics, products and negative aspects, we tend not to associate directly. After all, cinema describes the relationship between people and objects.

The series offers a varied selection of topics including futuristic worlds, the mechanisation of work processes, pop aesthetics, biographies of inventors, and so forth, and between the 3rd of October and the 12th of June participants will be shown 13 full-length films and 3 compilations of short films, one of which contains didactic content relating to design, one which deals with cinema pioneers and the third, a session of films for children.

The film chosen to inaugurate the series is Freedom for Us (À nous la liberté, René Clair, 1931), a story dealing with production mechanisation processes, while the remainder of the series includes such titles as Sleeper, by Woody Allen, Two or Three Things I Know About Her, by Goddard, My Uncle, Jacques Tati or Tucker: The Man and His Dream, by Francis Ford Coppola.


Publication date: Wednesday, 02 October 2013
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