

Happy 25th anniversary, CCCB!

Barcelona’s contemporary culture centre is celebrating a quarter of a century of activities over the course of a busy weekend.

The Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona opened its doors for the first time 25 years ago, on 24 February 1994. Since then this hub for contemporary culture has hosted 170 exhibitions and some 2,000 conferences, while attracting over 10 million visitors. To celebrate all of that, the CCCB has laid out a weekend teeming with concerts, film screenings, debates, family games and, of course, open doors at their facilities under the title Celebrating #25anysCCCB. Included in the package is free admission to one of their best received current temporary exhibitions on Stanley Kubrick. Other attractions include a debate for young people on borders in the 21st century, a morning of family activities with dance, games and music, a cycle of short films for all publics titled Learning to Grow and an evening session presented by Bruno Sokolowicz featuring music by Anna Lanau, Kids from Mars, The Mani-las and AKKAN.

The celebration will take place on 23 and 24 February at the Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona ​​in the Raval. All of the activities are free of charge and open to all.

Additional information is available at the following link.

Publication date: Tuesday, 19 February 2019
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