
Catalan Book Week, 31st edition

From the 6th to the 15th of September, over 75 organisations will be taking part in this literary event on the esplanade of Avenida de la Catedral

Catalan Book Week (Setmana del Llibre en Català) is a book fair designed to publicise the efforts being made by publishers, bookshops, magazines, distributors and other organisations to actively promote literature in Catalan.

This 31st edition includes the participation of around seventy exhibitors, including publishers and bookshops, divided into about thirty stands, as well as the collaboration of other cultural organisation from around Catalonia, such as schools and public libraries.

Roughly 250 activities have been programmed for the seven days during which Book Week takes over the Avenida de la Catedral, effectively converting it into Book Town, and include readings, presentations, children’s activities, guided tours and meetings with authors, etc. This year also see the presence of activities relating to both the events of 1714 and Any Espriu, the centenary year of the birth of Catalan poet Salvador Espriu. On Sunday the 8th, ten amateur theatre groups from around Catalonia will be holding performances of pieces written in tribute to the poet in various parts of the fair. 

Catalan Book Week is organised by the Catalan Publishers Association in conjunction with other institutions and, in this edition, will also pay tribute to other significant figures, such as Joana Raspall, Vicent Andrés Estellés, Amat Piniella, Villangómez, Teixidor, Martí i Pol, Quima Jaume and Bernat Metge. In addition, Pep Albanell, one of the key figures in Catalan literature of the seventies, will be awarded the Premi Trajectòria 2013, a lifetime achievement award.
Publication date: Monday, 02 September 2013
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