Vista des del mar de Barcelona amb la plaça de la Rosa dels Vents, l'Hotel W i una part de la platja de Sant Sebastià, en primer pla, i Montjuïc i el World Trade Center, al fons. © Hemav. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Hermitage, the museum project rattling the Barceloneta neighbourhood

The possible arrival of the Hermitage Museum to the port of Barcelona is met with scepticism and discord in the Barceloneta neighbourhood. While some believe it will mark an opportunity...

Retrat de Clara Peya © Dani Codina
“I feel much freer in music, playing the piano, than in life”

Clara Peya

Seeing Clara Peya (1983) on stage, sitting in front of the piano, is an unforgettable experience. She approaches it, surrendering her body and her soul to a new conquest that will...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
Investments and reforms

A decade after the economic recession became a global financial crisis. Two sectors are an example thereof, namely, research and audiovisual production, which in the years prior to the...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesVulnerable beings, violated lives

Western industrial culture has accomplished major achievements in recent centuries, such as finding the cure to many once-fatal diseases or the sharp rise in life expectancy. The problem...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesWhen origin identifies you

Place of birth and social origin are the two variables that most determine the opportunities for young people in Catalonia. Today, Catalan society is a multicultural community with many...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesBetween political exclusion and populist mobilisation

In the post-crisis years, the obscene concentration of wealth has given rise to increasingly serious cases of exclusion and social vulnerability. This situation largely affects political...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesVulnerable and demodernising futures

The weak post-crisis recovery has left a polarised scenario in its wake, with an evident impoverishment of the middle and working classes. Digitisation will continue to alter the...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesNew vulnerabilities

We come from a time when we plausibly thought that, with preparation and effort, we could aspire to welfare without any upheaval. The 2008 crisis showed us that everything is much more...

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