Festivals and traditions by time of year

Festa major de les Tres Torres

The three-day festa major, falls on the first weekend in June. Most of the activities, such as the festa infantil, the pre-lunch vermut de festa major and the evening sopar de germanor take place in the Plaça de Joaquim Pena.
Fiesta Mayor de la Font de la Guatlla

Festa major de la Font de la Guatlla

The neighbourhood's festa major takes place over four or five days in the middle of June. It finishes on Saint John's day and starts the previous weekend. There is a whole host of activities for all kinds of people of all ages.

Festa major del Besòs i del Maresme

In the middle of June, the neighbourhoods hold a two-week-long festa major, the main festival. In the first weekend the activities are concentrated in the Besòs area, and in the second, the events are organised by the Maresme residents.

Festa major del Bon Pastor

Currently, Bon Pastor holds its week-long festa major, the main festival, at the beginning of May. The neighbourhood organisations are actively involved in arranging all kinds of events.
festa major

Festa major de Porta

The festa major is between two weekends at the end of April and the beginning of May. One of the main focal points is Plaça de Sóller, a large green space at the heart of the neighbourhood.

Festa major de les Corts

The pick of the events include the joint correfoc, a morning with the dance of the City Eagle and a human tower display, plus an exhibition of traditional dancing at the Pedralbes Monastery.
festa major

Festa major del Guinardó

The associations in the Guinardó neighbourhood have always been strong. Their activity can be seen in the organisation of the festa majo which is a special commission for the neighbourhood's Coordinadora d’Entitats.