Festa major del Fort Pienc

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

First fortnight in June

El Fort Pienc is a neighbourhood in the Eixample district, where Philip V had built a fortified area that included a military citadel, the Ciutadella, and an advance fort, called Pius or Pienc. The fortification was knocked down at the end of the 19th century and was replaced by one of the city's main railway stations, which brought life to the neighbourhood by facilitating communication with other parts of Barcelona and elsewhere.

Gradually El Fort Pienc established itself and acquired various urban facilities. This gave rise to the large number of civic and cultural associations to be found in the neighbourhood today, which organise events and activities all year round but especially for the festa major.

The Associació de Veïns i Veïnes del Fort Pienc is in charge of organising this annual festival. It coordinates all the organisations taking part and draws up a very varied programme from the suggestions they put forward. The result is a festival calendar with something for everyone that kicks off in the first fortnight in June and is concentrated in the local streets, squares and civic centres. The pick of the programme includes the cercavila de gegants, the trobada castellera, a cantada d'havaneres, children's workshops and entertainment, concerts, dances, sports competitions and big communal meals.


The festa major has been held since 1995.

About festivities


Transeixample Gegantera. The traditional figures take part in the festival and lead a cercavila gegantera round the main streets of the neighbourhood.These gegants and other figures come from all over the city and even outside. The Associació Fal·lera Gegantera de la Sagrada Família is responsible for organising it.

Cantada d'havaneres. Every year there is a place in the festival programme for tavern songs, Cuban havaneres and rom cremat (burnt rum). The concert is usually reserved for a Saturday night, so the locals don't have to go to work the next day and don't fret about getting to bed.

Trobada castellera. El Fort Pienc does not have a colla castellera, but it is still a tradition to organise a trobada castellera during the festa major and invite human tower groups from other Barcelona neighbourhoods and elsewhere.

Correfoc. The Cabrònica del Nord is the neighbourhood's colla de diables, the devil group in charge of organising the annual firework spectacular round the main streets, the Tancafocs de la Cabrònica del Nord.

Supplementary information