Il·lustració d'una fila de persones agafant cada una amb les mans el cap de qui té davant
Digital cityThe ecosystem of knowledge as a common asset

Urban environments are characterised by the opportunities they offer to think of a political culture where shared knowledge assets can be managed jointly by different sized groups with...

Llibre: Taxi, Carlos Zanón
A taxi called excess

In literature, generally speaking, excess isn’t a good thing. Taxi shrieks, mutters, hums Velvet Underground, strings together quotations and metaphors,...

Llibre: Un regalo para Kushbu
Stories in pictures that cross borders

For some time now, non-fiction not only fills the pages of well-known writers like Capote, Mailer, Carrère or Caparrós, but also the illustrated pages of graphic...

Llibre: Dalí i Barcelona
An inventory of the eccentric Dalinian Barcelona

By default, everyone associates Dalí with Figueres, Madrid (the unavoidable Residencia de Estudiantes cultural centre, where the exceedingly shy Dalí was called “the...

Il·lustració © Lluïsa Jover
Trobada prevista

Cinc minuts de marge. I, si ve, la reconeixeré a primer cop d’ull?, o em costarà saber si és ella i després hauré de dissimular amb un “Sílvia, no has canviat gens”?...

Il·lustració. Retrat de Richard Sennett © Guillem Cifré
The individual cornered in the market

In his essays, Richard Sennett considers the ways of life that capitalism is destroying. He looks at the alienating mechanisms of the market, and considers more...

Il·lustració. Mary Robinson i Adela Cortina.© Guillem Cifré
Business and human rights

Multinational enterprises are increasingly aware of the need to respect fundamental rights, and not only for legal and ethical reasons; there are also sound...


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