
  • Teatre

Iago Pericot

Somewhere between performance and metaphor, a huge guillotine will carry out the sentences you pass down on the ideas, desires or people that most annoy you..

There is no violence, but lots of catharsis in Iago Pericot’s latest project. And the only star of this show is the audience. Aware that our society is currently going through a time of confusion and that we all feel that our lives are being curtailed, the creators of this show invite us to look inside ourselves to find the concept or idea that most upsets us, and then to joyfully free ourselves from it. All you need to do is activate the guillotine mechanism by mobile phone if you have downloaded the right app. For around five minutes, the lights will go on, then an alarm will sound when the blade reaches the top, and the guillotine will come down. Then, you will hear the cheers and applause of the crowd. Make way for Madame Guillotine!

Artistic card

Idea original: Iago Pericot; Ajudant de direcció: Josep Escrig; Escenificador públic: Oriol Plà; Documentació en vídeo: Albert Folk; Disseny de la guillotina: Ramón de los Heros; Disseny de so: Aurélie Raoût (Lilou); Disseny de l'app: Roc Boronat; Construcció de la guillotina: Indústries Jové Balasch; Producció executiva: Cristina Raventós;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    7.30 pm, 9.30 pm and 11.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    15 min
  • Price
    Free admission. Limited places