Colla de Diables de Magòria

The Escola Cooperativa d'Ensenyament Magòria set up the Diables de Magòria in 2004. This is a colla infantil made up by students at the school, plus mums, dads, teachers and former students. The idea in setting up the group was to revive and develop the traditional cultural heritage in an active way.

Their costume consists of a yellow coat and hood with red horns and trousers. But the leader, the cap de colla, wears a red coat and yellow hood. They all have the colla's logo on their back.

The Diables de Magòria take part in the city's traditional correfocs. For example, they usually appear at the La Mercè and Santa Eulàlia festivals, the Festa dels Súpers, the Nit de Bruixes de Sants, the Festa del Foc and the Father Christmas cavalcade. And every December these little devils organise a correfoc to close the school exhibition.