Festivals and traditions by district

Sant Andreu

Festa major del Bon Pastor

Currently, Bon Pastor holds its week-long festa major, the main festival, at the beginning of May. The neighbourhood organisations are actively involved in arranging all kinds of events.

Festa major de Navas

All the activities of the festa major, the main festival, take place in a stage which is set on the street. And this area is where the majority of the popular culture events are held like the correfoc or the diada castellera.

Festa major de Trinitat Vella

The week-long festa major, the main festival, is held at the beginning of June. There is a wide range of activities on offer, including many popular culture events that were boosted by the creation of the neighbourhood groups.
festa major

Festa major del Baró de Viver

The festa major, the neighbourhood's main festival, which is held in the middle of June, takes place over a weekend and is organised by the Comissió de Festes Baró de Viver.

Festa major del Congrés

The festa major, which takes place over the first two weekends in October, is organised by the Comissió de Festes del Congrés.
festa major

Festa major de la Sagrera

Among the most notable events are the cercavila gegantera, the procession of giants on the morning of the festa major, the dance festival organised by the Esbart l’Estel dance group, and the correfoc, the fire run, of the local devils' group, the Colla del Drac i Diables de la Sagrera.

Festa major de Sant Andreu de Palomar

The majority of the associations and organisations are actively involved in arranging the wide range of cultural, recreational and sporting events in the festa major.

Els Indians’ Festa Major

The Antic Barri dels Indians festival association is in charge of organising the annual festa major, which is held during the week of the La Mercè festival.