Festa major del Baró de Viver

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Mid-June in the Baró de Viver neighbourhood, Sant Andreu district


The Baró de Viver neighbourhood, situated where the Ronda de Dalt and the Ronda Litoral come together, originated in the end of the 1920s as a group of cheap houses. Through time, twenty or so blocks of flats have been built next to the family homes. Throughout this entire time the residents have been involved in a long and intense fight for the neighbourhood to become respectable and well-communicated.

The festa major, the neighbourhood's main festival, which is held in the middle of June, takes place over a weekend and is organised by the Comissió de Festes Baró de Viver. There are many events for bringing new social and cultural energy into the neighbourhood, such as a peoples' scavenger hunt and multicultural workshops. Of course, there are also sporting competitions, activities for older people, community meals and festa major dances.

About festivities


Timbalada. The first event in the festa major, which takes place on the Friday afternoon, is a gathering of the neighbourhood's percussion groups. Together they parade through the streets until they get to the place the opening proclamation is made.

Supplementary information