Festa major de Montbau

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second fortnight of September in the Montbau neighbourhood, Horta-Guinardó district

Feast Day: 30th September, Sant Jeroni


The Montbau neighbourhood, located in the foothills of the Collserola range, is a new neighbourhood constructed since the 1960s. Traditionally, it was a sparsely populated zone which in the Middle Ages depended on the Sant Jeroni de la Vall d’Hebron monastery. For this reason, when the parish church was built, in the 1960s, it was consecrated to this saint who became the patron saint of the neighbourhood.

The festa major, the main festival, which is held over two weekends, is a good example of the strong associations and organisations that are deeply involved in arranging all kinds of events. Local popular culture is represented by the gegants, the enormous festival figures, and groups from all over the city take part in the matí d’entremesos, a morning full of diverse activities. The festival also includes a pilgrimage to the Sant Cebrià i Santa Justina hermitage.


Sant Jeroni is the patron saint of the Montbau parish, so the festa major is held around the 30th September. The relationship between Sant Jeroni and this area has been a very long one, because he was the patron saint of the former monastery in Vall d’Hebron, which controlled the land on which the neighbourhood was later constructed.

About festivities


Matí d’entremesos. During this morning of popular culture, the Montbau gegants, the festival giants Cebrià and Justina, host the trobada gegantera, a gathering of giants that brings together guest groups from all around Barcelona and Catalonia. The popular culture events continue with an exhibition by the gymnastic group the Falcons de Barcelona, and the stick dancing of the bastoners. The festival is brought to a close with a dance of traditional sardanes.

Pilgrimage to Sant Cebrià i Santa Justina. Around the 26th September is a pilgrimage to the Sant Cebrià i Santa Justina hermitage which is located in a corner of the Collserola mountain range. After the mass has been said there are games involving a cucanya, a greased pole, and hot chocolate for everyone in the xocolatada. Traditionally, when the Montbau neighbourhood still did not exist, the residents of Horta went up to the hermitage on pilgrimages and for festivals.

Bread of Sant Jeroni. On the feast day of Sant Jeroni, the 30th September, there is a mass in the parish church and the traditional Sant Jeroni bread is given out.

Supplementary information


Associació de Veïns de Montbau, Associació de Comerciants de Montbau, Associació Excursionista d’Etnografia i Folklore.