Festa major de la Vall d’Hebron

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second fortnight in June in the Vall d’Hebron neighbourhood, Horta-Guinardó district

Feast Day: 24th June, Sant Joan 


Vall d’Hebron is a new neighbourhood located at the foot of the old track between Horta and Sant Genís dels Agudells. It was created in 1953 as an area with blocks of houses, in the manner of a garden-city. In the years before the Olympic Games, the neighbourhood was revitalised with the construction of a host of testing facilities and housing for the participants.

The festa major, the main festival, lasts three or four days around the 24th June, the feast day of Sant Joan, including the revetlla on the 23rd, Saint John's Eve. Most of the activities take place between the Jardins de Can Baró park and Can Travi, the neighbourhood's civic centre, which is the home of many of the organisations, including the residents' association, the Associació de Veïns del Parc de la Vall d’Hebron.

About festivities


Cercavila de festa major. On the Friday evening of the festa major, the devils' group, Els Diables del Carmel, organise a cercavila procession through the streets to invite all the local residents to take part in the festival.

Fire events. On the eve of the festa major's main day, the Diables del Carmel stage a fire event in the Jardins de Can Baró park.

Despertada. Early in the morning of the main day of the festa major, the Diables del Carmel's  percussion section goes through the neighbourhood streets to announce that the big day has arrived.

Revetlla de Sant Joan. Sant Joan's Eve coincides with the festa major, so the revetlla celebrations in Vall d’Hebron are particularly important. A bonfire in the gardens of Can Brasó is lit with the Flama del Canigó and, after the traditional coca pastries have been eaten, there is a dance with a live band.

Havaneres. Vall d’Hebron's festa major is brought to a close with a cantada d’havaneres, with sung havaneres originating from Cuba, accompanied by flaming rum.

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