Festa major de Can Baró

Activity dates

Dates de celebració

Second fortnight in June in the Can Baró neighbourhood, Horta-Guinardó district

The Can Baró neighbourhood originated in the surroundings of the large Can Baró house, which has existed since at least the 17th century. The central point of the neighbourhood is, therefore, this house which is currently a school: the Escola Artur Martorell. Some of the festival events take place right in front of this masia.

The Can Baró festa major, the main festival, is made up of all kinds of activities which aim to bring together the community life of the neighbourhood and make it more accessible to the residents. There are sporting events, aperitifs and food tastings, activities for kids and young people, dances and concerts. The range, which in no way misses out popular culture, aims to satisfy all tastes and appeal to all ages.

About festivities


Cercavila procession. The drummers from the Fures de Can Baró, a fire-organisation with strong links to the neighbourhood, organises a cercavila de percussió, a drum parade which finishes with a xocolatada, involving hot chocolate for everyone.

Correfoc. In the festa major in Can Baró, as happens in many neighbourhoods in Barcelona, all the correfoc, or fire run activities are concentrated into a single evening. It is organised by the Fures de Can Baró devils' group and their percussionists, the Trons. The events start with a correfoc infantil, a fire run for kids, followed by drumming in the tabalada. When it is dark, the main correfoc starts, which ends up in Avinguda de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat with comical verses, versots, being read out, and a castell de focs, a castle of fire. 

Matinades populars. Early in the morning, groups of grallers, with their traditional double-reeded instruments, go through the neighbourhood streets playing to wake up the residents and let them know that the main day of the festa major has arrived.

Cercavila popular. The neighbourhood's popular culture organisations, others from further away, and the school's giants all join together to take part in the most important cercavila procession of the festa major.

Supplementary information


Comissió de Festa Major de Can Baró (Casal de Barri El Pirineu).