
Visit the Design Museum in Barcelona for free until January 31

On the occasion of the inauguration of the new headquarters building Disseny Hub Barcelona, the Design Museum allows free entry to the exhibitions until late January.

The Design Museum is housed in the Disseny Hub Barcelona building in Plaça de les Glòries since Desember 14. This building was designed by the MBM (Martorell, Bohigas, Mackay, Capdevila and Gual) team of architects specifically to conserve, exhibit and promote the museum’s collection.

Design Museum in Barcelona is a center devoted to the art of the object and design. The new museum was created as a result of merging the collections from four of the city’s museums: Decorative Arts Museum, Ceramic Museum, Textil and Clothing Museum and the Graphic Arts Office.

Currently the museum hosts four exhibitions:
- Dressing the body. Silhouettes and Fashion (1550-2015)
- From the World to the Museum. Product Design, Cultural Heritage.
- Extraordinary! Collections of Decorative arts and Author-Centered Art
- Graphic design: from trade to profession.

You have the opportunity to see these exhibitions for free until January 31.

For more information see the website of Design Museum in Barcelona.


Publication date: Wednesday, 14 January 2015
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