
The tercentenary celebrations include civic centres

A travelling exhibit and performance offer a new way of learning about the events of 1714

The programme for the commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the events of the 11th of September, 1714 is very extensive and civic centres in the Catalan capital are not to be left out; quite the opposite, in fact. These cultural facilities are ideal places for people to learn about what actually happened during the historically significant period at the beginning of the 18th century. 

The two commemorative events in question are inherently different but complementary in nature and they begin now, in September, 2013, and continue until the end of the year. 
One of these is titled 1714: l'aposta catalana (The Catalan perspective) and is a travelling exhibit that deals with the principal episodes of the War of Succession. The exhibit includes state-of-the-art audio-visual and graphic material and will be on display over the coming months in civic centres throughout the ten districts of the capital.
These civic centres will also play host to a travelling performance titled Casanova en directe (Casanova live), in which participants will have the opportunity to chat with “Rafael Casanova” and his assistant. In this original proposal the historical figure of Rafael Casanova (a pretender to the Spanish crown during the war of succession) is the subject of a press conference in which the audience is invited to ask him questions. All question relating to the siege and the resistance during the events of 1714 will be answered with the maximum possible historical accuracy. The artistic stage setting for the performance is the work of dramatist Oriol Broggi.


Publication date: Friday, 04 July 2014
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