
The scent of emotions

A debate about the sense of smell and its relationship to emotions and memory organized by the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)

On Thursday, May 23 at 7 pm will take place the debate "The scent of emotions" in the Sala de la Caridad of the Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya (Calle del Hospital 56, Barcelona).

The olfactory system displays many interesting features that make it unique among our senses: it is evolutionarily the oldest sense, it is intimately interconnected with circuits processing emotion and memory, and new neurons arrive to olfactory areas throughout life.
Why certain scents remind us of the past so vividly? Can the unconscious perception of some odours shape our behaviour? Why is it useful for some animals to have two parallel olfactory systems? Do humans have pheromones? How can the study of olfaction help us in designing new therapies for brain repair? Is it possible to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s by measuring olfactory ability, even before the onset of other symptoms?
La investigadora del CRG Carme Agustín junto con Ferran Martínez-García (Catedrático de biología funcional en la Universidad de Valencia) y Enrique Lanuza (profesor titular de biología celular en la Universidad de Valencia) abordarán este tema de forma sencilla y cercana en un debate abierto y participativo donde todo el mundo puede dar su opinión. Se plantearán cuestiones como por qué un olor puede recordar el pasado de una forma tan vívida o bien como el olfato nos puede ayudar a diagnosticar enfermedades neurodegenerativas como el Parkinson.
The CRG researcher Carme Agustín, Ferran Martínez-García (functional biology professor at the University of Valencia) and Enrique Lanuza (professor of cell biology at the University of Valencia) will address this issue in a simple and participatory way in an open debate where everyone can give their opinion.
Further information: Centre de Regulació Genòmica




Publication date: Sunday, 21 April 2013
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