
The Salvador Espriu Centenary celebrations come to the Acadèmia de Bones Lletres

On the 15th of October an inaugural ceremony with Jaume Ciurana and Joaquim Molas will commemorate the poet from Sinera

The Reial Acadèmia de les Bones Lletres de Barcelona (RABLB, Royal Academy of Literature) remembers the figure of writer Salvador Espriu in a public commemoration ceremony on the centenary of his birth. The act will be attended by the Deputy Mayor for Culture, Knowledge, Creativity and Innovation and academic Dr. Joaquim Molas i Batlori, who will present a conference titled Espriu i el seu mite de Sinera. (Espriu and the myth of Sinera, where Sinera corresponds to Arenys, his childhood home, spelled backwards)

The act will take place in the conference room of the Palau Requesens, the headquarters of the academy, beginning at 7 pm, and will be part of the commemorative celebrations acclaiming the figure of the poet, on this occasion from an academic perspective. Those invited to speak at the conference will emphasise his extensive literary career and his importance to the culture of Catalonia and Barcelona in general and in particular his desire to be part of the academy during his final years of his life.

The figure of Salvador Espriu i Castelló grows with the passage of time. The author of such significant literary works in Catalan as the novel Laia (1934), the narrative style of Ariadna al laberint grotesc (1935) or the poems of Cementiri de Sinera (1946), Final del laberint (1955), Les cançons d'Ariadna (1949) and La pell de brau (1960) was made Tenured Academic of the Reial Acadèmia de les Bones Lletres in 1984 and 1985, towards the end of his life, when the president of the academy was Martí de Riquer.

Publication date: Thursday, 10 October 2013
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