
Reuse objects and products Infinitloop

One way to extend the life of tools and services


A label, a platform-web and smartphone application. These are the elements that Infinitloop 2.0a cooperative project Tarpuna to facilitate recycling or give a second chance to objects and products that a person does not want but can brighten another.

"The label is attached to the physical object that contains a numeric code and a unique QR that identify it. The web allows tracking the object as it passes through the different people who use it. It is valid for both objects using short cycle (wrappers, bags, containers, books ...) and for long cycle objects (disks, toys, children's clothing or accessories) and organic products (vegetables, fruits. ..) ", explained those responsible.

Infinitloop 2.0 The project is the second phase of a first infinitloop , promoted in 2011 by Tarpuna, with the same mechanics to a single product is managed: a reusable envelope which added value to the gift content. Made with different materials in workshops social inclusion, and contained a QR code to locate him, knowing your circuit, the contents gifts and paper saved.

Every person who receives a wrap Infinitloop records the location and content online and is involved in the transmission of new habit, using the next gift, and creating a community of responsible consumers. The envelope should not stop flowing and must reuse the better.

It is the brainchild of Tarpuna SCCL registered with a CreativeCommons license allows the exploitation of social entities nonprofit and private (DIY).

The innovative character and will to promote "a culture of sustainable, responsible and collaborative consumption of objects and products, facilitating reuse with an innovative application that allows traceability, while consumer-producer promotes emotional relationship by making visible the origins" were some of the aspects the Direcció de Creativitat i Innovació de l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona valued at the time of grant aid project for ICT investments. The perfect combination of sustainability and technology allowed him to get 2,394 euros.





Publication date: Wednesday, 26 August 2015
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