
“La meva Ismènia” (My Ismenie), in La Seca Espai Brossa

The play, directed by Hermann Bonnín, is an adaptation of the traditional, or folkloric, farce by the classic French playwright Eugéne Labiche

A widowed father, who is jealous of his unmarried daughter’s suitors, a rich aunt, and a servant girl, are some of the principle characters of the play La meva Ismènia, which can be seen up until the 23rd of June in La Seca Espai Brossa. Under the direction of Hermann Bonnín, this is a costumbrist farce in the style of the 19th century which goes far beyond the usual clichés of this type of production. The play is an adaptation of the text by the French playwright Eugène Labiche which portrays a series of characters who, though apparently ridiculous, are nonetheless anxious to adapt themselves with dignity to the social climate into which they are born.

La meva Ismènia
is a kind of vaudeville which, through family conflicts, misunderstandings and typical class war scenarios, satirises the lifestyle of both an era and a particular social context. Ironic comedy and repressed drama go hand in hand in this play, which is a veritable testimony to its time. Lina Lambert, Jaume Pla, Mingo Ràfols, Teresa Urroz and Anna Ycobalzeta make up the cast.

Users of Barcelona Culture can get a ticket 2x1. Read more

Publication date: Tuesday, 28 May 2013
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