
The Jocs Florals for Poetry, 2013, are already underway

This year will see a new Salvador Espriu Memorial Prize in celebration of the centenary of the poet

The Jocs Florals of Barcelona is a literary competition of the first order which, though it disappeared during more difficult times for Catalonian culture, has always managed to make a comeback. Its origins date from 1393, when it survived until the end of the following century. It wasn’t until 1859, during the Renaixensa, when they were once again celebrated. Understandably, the problems returned during the dictatorship of Primo de Rivera and Franco.
In 1978, with the reestablishment of democracy, the Jocs Florals of Barcelona regained their official nature and, in 2006, the three or more prizes previously awarded were encapsulated into one, which is now known as the Jocs Florals Poetry Prize.
This year’s contestants will find the bases for the competition in the official web site where, along with other information, they will discover that the reception period extends until the 5th of March.
This year celebrates the centenary of three notable poets, Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel , Joan Teixidor and, of course, Salvador Espriu, in whose honour a special memorial prize will be awarded, as occurred in 2003 with the presentation of the Jacint Verdaguer Prize.


Publication date: Monday, 21 January 2013
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