
Joan Triadú: Llegir com viure (Reading like living)

Poet and teacher Joan Triadú, a seminal figure in Catalonian culture, is remembered in an exhibition in the Palau Robert

Up until the 28th of April, the Palau Robert will play host to an itinerant exhibition titled Reading like living. Homage to Joan Triadú. 1921-2010, commissioned by Susanna Álvarez and Joan Josep Isern. The exhibition, organised by the Government of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia and the Flos I Calcat Foundation, explores seven periods in the life of the teacher and poet, beginning with texts in the first person from Memòries d’un segle d’or (2002), correspondence with Palau I Fabre, Carner, Riba, Rodoreda, Sarsanedas and others, as well as personal objects.
Triadú taught in a variety of centres and under a variety of circumstances, from the first classes in Granollers, in 1937, to the founding of the Catalonian Education Council, in 1975. He was a literary critic, with articles in Ariel, Pont Blau, Vida Nova, Serra d’Or, Avui, a polemical anthologist of poetry and stories, author of over twenty books and, in general, a man devoted to the culture of his country. He was also involved in Òmnium Cultural and director of the CIC Institute and the Thau School, in Barcelona, and received a number of career recognition awards towards the end of his life.
The figure of Joan Triadú is of undeniable relevance in the defence of Catalan identity, a cultural activist in all respects


Publication date: Sunday, 20 January 2013
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