
Hackathon for the development of augmented reality games

Fabra & Coats played host to developers and designers

A 12 hour hackathon took place on March 15th where 22 participants developed applications and augmented reality games. Participants were structured in teams of 2 to 4 people to create the application, and thus eligible for one of three cash prizes.

The meeting was organized by i2Cat Foundation (Centre for Research and Innovation in Advanced Internet) in collaboration with Barcelona Laboratory (BCNLab) under the FI-Content project, with support and funding from the European Commission and the FI programme – PPP. The event brought together six teams of developers and designers, which could create a game  that would fall under one of the following categories of augmented reality: board games, installations, educational or based on the city.

The projects were evaluated according to specific criteria such as creativity, originality and innovation, and the level of development of the application.

The first prize went to “Divene and conquer” (a card game), second was “Wormhole Catcher” (a game that progresses through the city) and third “Monster Rift” (a fantasy game). Selected teams received their prize money and given the opportunity to present their projects at the FI-Content meeting to be held in Barcelona on May 22nd.



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Publication date: Wednesday, 26 March 2014
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