
The Maria Rovira dance company

Upcoming highlights of the Grec Festival

Dancer Maria Rovira is one of the stand-outs of a programme that also features theatre and circus performances.

Barcelona’s Grec Festival is now at its half way point and the sheer abundance of spectacles on offer in a variety of artistic fields can make it difficult to plump for just one without doing some serious homework. But don’t worry, we aim to make that decision making process a little easier with a summary of the highlights of the coming week.

First on our list is choreographer and dancer Maria Rovira, who will be at Mercat de les Flors on 20 and 21 July with a programme featuring four pieces she has worked on with Catalan and Cuban dancers over recent years: ‘Impronta’, ‘Babbel 2.0’, ‘El cruce sobre el Niágara’ and ‘El salt de Nijinski’. Next up is ‘Oklahoma’, a free, multidisciplinary version of a play by Kafka that will be at Teatre Lliure from 19 to 21 July. Kids also have something to look forward to these days, namely the puppet play ‘My baby Is a Queen’, which can be seen at Mercat de les Flors on 15 and 16 July. There are two additional performances we’d like to recommend: the circus show ‘Fidelis Fortibus’, which will be calling in at Plaça Margarida Xirgu from 13 to 16 July, and an adaptation of Albert Camus’ play ‘Calígula’, directed by Mario Gas, which will be at Teatre Grec from 20 to 23 July.

You’ll find more information and ticket sales on the Grec Festival website.

Publication date: Wednesday, 12 July 2017
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