
‘Districts’ (Akan Satayev)

Casa Asia brings us five films from Central Asia

The cycle features films from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

While Japanese and Indian cinema have powerful industries that allow them to reach out to their many fans all over the world, it’s easy to forget that good films are also being made in other parts of Asia, even though they rarely make it to our screens. With that in mind, Casa Asia is staging a cycle of five films from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The cycle will begin with 'Tasfiya' by Sharofat M. Arabova and will be followed by 'Districts' by Akan Satayev, winner of the Best Picture Award in the Panorama section of the Asian Film Festival in Barcelona in 2017. We will also get to see 'Taraz' by Nurtas Adambay and 'A Father's Will', directed by Baky Mukul and Zhapar Uulu, winners of the Cathay Pacific Award for Best Director. Last up is 'Retournée' by Sabit Kurmanbekov.

The cycle is set to run from 2 June to 14 July and screening will take place at 8pm at Cinemes Girona. Casa Asia is an organization that was created in 2001 to contribute to a better understanding of the Asian continent.

Tickets cost €3.50 per session. Additional information is available at the following link.

Publication date: Thursday, 14 June 2018
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