
The dancing egg

Don’t miss Barcelona’s Corpus Christi celebrations

We’ll fill you in on what to see and do in a celebration that features everything from dancing eggs to open day at the city hall and a procession.

Corpus Christi is one of Barcelona’s oldest celebrations, whose roots can be traced to the medieval city of the 14th century. It’s important both for locals and for visitors interested in exploring the city’s cultural traditions. Flowers are one of the omnipresent motifs in the celebration, together with the ceremony of the dancing egg, in which an egg is borne aloft by a spout of water.

For some analysts this particular tradition has a mystical aspect, reflecting the cycle of life and the nature of the universe. It’s unique to Barcelona and is a cultural event that is strongly tied to the spring. Another event planned for this year is open day at Barcelona town hall from 15 to 17 June, and a procession on Sunday afternoon featuring figures of giants and other folkloric figures, which also have their roots in the city’s medieval past.

Here you will find a list of places where you can see the dancing egg, including the Cathedral, Jardins de Rubió i Lluch, Pedralbes Monastery, Can Deu civic centre, Capitania General and the Parròquia de la Puríssima Concepció, as well as additional information on the Corpus festivities.

Publication date: Thursday, 08 June 2017
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