
Design Does

The wonderful things that design does

The exhibition 'Design Does' by Escola Elisava reveals the responses that design can offer to the challenges of the future.

Is design important? If we look around, the answer is obvious. Design is not only a part of our life, but a completely essential one. Everything we use has been designed considering its use and its optimal form. A fork, a bed, stairs, clothes, the shape of a shoe: everything is design. So, if design shapes the world we live in and provides answers to all our needs, it's also obvious that the world of the future will largely be the way that design tells us it should be. What does design do? That question is the starting point for the exhibition, Design Does, which has been prepared and co-produced by the Escola Elisava and Barcelona Design Museum. The exhibition invites us to reflect on the current use and the potential of design to respond to the challenges of the future.

The exhibition is structured around 15 issues that are linked to contemporary reality. For example, it deals with themes like sustainability, connectivity, consumerism, innovation and new materials: all of these areas are concerned with aspects of daily life that we need to deal with in a rational manner and with the maximum possible performance , and design provides us with clues about how to act in all these fields. Among the questions raised are: Can you design what cannot be seen? How can materials change our lives? Can we live without plastic?

The exhibition spaces will try to answer each question with a specific project, developed by local designers with the help of the most advanced technological tools for data collection, and their daily appearance will change as they progress in their solutions, so the results will be seen in real time. You'll find more information on the exhibition at the Design Museum website.

Publication date: Wednesday, 21 March 2018
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