
La cantant Namina Miró serà una de les participants del debat

A debate on the silencing of women artists

This activity complements the exhibition on the painter Lluïsa Vidal at MNAC

If we stop to think about the best known artists of all time most of the names that come to mind will be men. That is particularly true of painting, sculpture and architecture and is still valid, though less now than in the past, in the fields of literature and music. The Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC) is currently hosting an exhibition devoted to Lluïsa Vidal,  a major painter dating from the Catalan modernist period who is little known to the general public. Among the parallel activities around the exhibition is  Dones i artistes, la diversitat silenciada, a dialogue between women artists from different backgrounds, scheduled for Wednesday 19 October.

The participants in this roundtable discussion are Tània Adam, the founder and creator of Radio Africa Magazine; Rosario García Huidoro, painter and art professional; Natalia Miró do Nacimento (Namina), singer and composer, and Mireia Estrada, founder of Jiwar Creació i Societat. During the event, Eduard Vallès, the museum’s curator of modern and contemporary art, will give an introduction to the figure of Lluïsa Vidal, offering an insight on what it was like to be a woman artist at her time.

This activity is organised by MNAC and Espai Avinyó - Llengua i Cultura, and admission is free.

Publication date: Tuesday, 18 October 2016
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