
D. O. Europa offers a series of discussions relating to European identity

From the 6th of March to the 3rd of April, the Born Centre Cultural will host visits by six intellectuals who will discuss aspects of European identity with Mònica Terribas

The series of conversations entitled "D. O. Europa", organised by the Born Centre Cultural within the framework of the tercentenary celebrations, are an attempt to approach the subjects of national identity and sovereignty within the European political context. The series poses the question of what it means to form part of Europe in a structure that is as kaleidoscopic and variable as the current one, with all its diversity of political, cultural and historical perspectives.

With this as the central theme, at 7 pm every Thursday from the 6th of March to the 3rd of April, Mònica Terribas will oversee a series of six discussions in which the invited guests, all of whom have excellent track records in their field, will present possible answers from the perspective of their particular field of specialisation and experience.

The series begins on the 6th with Zigmunt Baumann, the father of “Liquid Modernity” and one of the most influential sociologists and thinkers active today, accompanied by his usual collaborator, Aleksandra Kanja. The 13th of March will see the turn of political scientist and activist, Susan George, who will deal with subjects such as social justice and reform of the European Union. On the 20th of March, Saskia Sassen, an internationally renowned sociologist, will offer her perspective on European identity, while Algerian-born, French philosopher, sociologist and political scientist, Sami Naïr, will speak about the effects of immigration on the construction of Europe.
The series will close on the 3rd of April with Turkish author, Orhan Pamuk, Nobel Prize Winner for Literature in 2006 and the current Professor of Humanities in Columbia University.

Publication date: Thursday, 27 February 2014
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