
Citizenmapp - all the city services in one app

The involvement of users is a plus


Say goodbye to opening different applications each time you want to look up a city service, from a pharmacy to a subway station. With Citizenmapp one slide of the finger should be enough to resolve the questions of the user who needs a quick answer.

The application, which is in test phase (beta phase) aims to be "like Google Maps but with layers of high density information (for example, to find banks or supermarkets, you can filter by the company you require) "explains Martin Garcia, director of 6tic, the company that developed the tool.

The innovative nature of Citizenmapp earned it a grant of 3,751 euros for investments in information technology and communications (ICT) from the Direcció de Creativitat i Innovació de l’Institut de Cultura euros en la última edición de estas subvenciones.

Uno de los puntos fuertes de la aplicación es la participación de los usuarios, que pueden subir nuevos servicios en el mapa, corregir posibles errores u opinar sobre determinados establecimientos sin salir de la herramienta.





Publication date: Friday, 21 August 2015
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