
Artificial life: new worlds and new views through scientific thought

Artificial life and time are the next topics of a series of talks about the snares of reason

Given that hyper-rationality and the development of knowledge in modern societies do not bring the world a greater degree of good sense, but, on the contrary, appear to make it more absurd, rationality needs to be examined.

This cycle, coordinated by Francis García and Pol Capdevila, offers a series of talks and discussions for understanding whether our culture is in crisis or whether crises are essential to our culture.


7 pm, Wednesday 29 January
Artificial life: new worlds and new views through scientific thought 
Ricard Solé, ICREA lecturer at the UPF
Jaume Fuster Library

7 pm, Thursday 30 January
The invention of the clock and other ways of stealing our time. Newton against Heidegger 
Pol Capdevila, lecturer in Theory of Art and Image at the UPF
Joan Miró Library

7 pm, Friday 31 January
Education in nature and freedom. From Descartes to Neill 
Gabriel Lemkow, a lecturer in the Visual Arts at the FUB
Ignasi Iglésias-Can Fabra Library

7 pm, Wednesday 5 February
We are all physicists, poets, lunatics and monsters: body, spirit and perception in Husserl 
Ferran Garcia Querol, a secondary school teacher and PhD student at the UB
Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver Library

7 pm, Tuesday 11 February
Pain as a contemporary product: self-help or self-knowledge? 
Paula Arizmendi, a PhD student at the UB
Xavier Benguerel Library

7 pm, Tuesday 18 February
Image and counterculture: education in the visual culture era. Foucault, Derrida, Rancière 
A dialogue between Loredana Niculet and Francis García
Poblenou-Manuel Arranz Library

7 pm, Tuesday 25 February
Right and wrong in political discourse before the crisis. Hegel, Lakoff and Erich Fromm 
A dialogue between Sergi Mas and Yanko Moyano
Vila de Gràcia Library

In collaboration with Philosophy Studies Association at the UAB




Publication date: Monday, 27 January 2014
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