
A scene from a gallery tour around the Born neighbourhood

A walk around the art galleries on and around Carrer Consell de Cent

This activity is part of the Art Barcelona Gallery Walks programme and is scheduled for 16 December.

Art Barcelona is scheduling a new guided tour of contemporary art galleries in Barcelona. In this case, the route will revolve around those that are on Carrer Consell de Cent and the surrounding area, which hosts some of the longest-standing galleries in the city. Participants will explore the Joan Prats Gallery, the 3 Punts Gallery, the Joan Gaspar Gallery, the Eude Gallery and the Santa Cruz Rocio. It will be the last Gallery Walks programmed for 2017 and will take place on Saturday 16 December at 11.30am.

An expert will guide the tour, which will end with a vermouth. In addition to calling in at art galleries, visits usually include other types of venue, such as artists' workshops, art book distributors and unique art sites. They are also a good opportunity to chat with artists and the people in charge of the galleries.

You can register at the following link.


Publication date: Monday, 11 December 2017
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